Physician Wellness Symposium
2019 - Fresh Air: A Physician Wellness Symposium
If you were unable to attend the Nov 4 symposium: True North: Restoring Passion, Mission and Meaning to Medical Practice., you can listen to the presentations given and see the PowerPoint slides below.
PowerPoint Slides
2018 - True North: Restoring Passion, Mission and Meaning to Medical Practice
If you were unable to attend the Nov 4 symposium: True North: Restoring Passion, Mission and Meaning to Medical Practice., you can listen to the presentations given and see the PowerPoint slides below.
Audio—Part 1
PowerPoint Slides—Part 1
Audio—Part 2
PowerPoint Slides—Part 2
“Happiness: What Your Mother Didn’t Tell You ,” Dan Gilbert, TedTalk - Marriage, money, children= Increased happiness…or not? The answers may surprise you.
How More Walking Leads to Less Loneliness, Joyce Shulman
“Choose Your Own Adventure: Career!,” Steven Tomlinson at TEDx Traverse City
Matthew McConaughey - This Is Why You're Not Happy “We do our best when the destination is beyond the measurement.”
Celebrities on Being Rich But Not Happy + Giving Advice “So what did I do? I started to say no…”
Brene Brown - The Man In The Arena Speech (edited) “If you’re not also in the arena getting your ass kicked, I’m not interested in your feedback.”
The Space Between Self-Esteem and Self Compassion: Kristin Neff on Youtube. Note: Dr. Neff will be one of our speakers at the October 10 Wellness Symposium.
Interview with Jon Kabat-Zinn: Mindfulness 101
On Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations September 24, 2018 Dr. Kabat-Zin is a pioneer in bringing mindfulness into mainstream of medicine and society. He is the creator of the Stress Reduction Clinic and the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts School of Medicine.
Physician Wellness, on the Hippocratic Hustle. An interview about burnout, wellness and the unique challenges of physician moms.
What Makes a Good Life? Lessons from the Longest Study on Happiness, a Ted Talk with Robert Waldinger.
An ongoing
study that has looked at a cohort for 75 years to see what leads to contentment
and longevity. Worth a look.
Yoga with Adrienne. Interested in trying yoga but not sure you want to start with a class, or want to jump start your old program but don't have time for a class? Try this out, then consider joining your colleagues at the PWP Yoga group.
So You Want to be a Doctor? The making of a pediatric neurosurgeon.
Woodchuck Doctor?
“A Doctor’s Touch,” Abraham Verghese, TED Talk.
Getting lazy with the physical exam at times? This might just change that.
The Happiness Advantage: Linking Positive Brains to Performance Shawn Achor
The Doctor’s Crossing Carpe Diem Podcast
Episode #41:
Dealing With Shame At The Career Crossroads
A variety of emotions come up at the career crossroads. Two of the more painful ones are guilt and shame. The Doctor’s Crossing founder, Dr. Heather Fork, and TCMS PWP Chair, Dr. Brian Sayers discuss how these emotions can arise when considering leaving medicine, reducing work load or after medical mistakes.
The Podcast by Kevinmd:
“Shame and the Medical Profession .” May 29, 2021
“Dr. Bruce Perry ” and Oprah discuss their book, What Happened to You: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing, on Oprah Super Soul.
A fascinating discussion about how imprints left from trauma, even before age 2, can influence lifelong behavior. Well worth a listen
Doctor’s Crossing Podcasts Doctor’s Crossing was founded by Austin Dr. Heather Fork and offers Life Coaching to help physicians retool their career and explore opportunities beyond clinical medicine. Start with episode #6, “Why I left Dermatology…” and browse other topics of interest.
The Nocturnists Live storytelling and conversations from the front lines of medicine, and life. Start with S3 EP 11 “Just Five Minutes” and S3 EP10 “The Bridge.”
Physicians on Purpose, with Dike Drummond, MD. Try these episodes: “Burnout Life Hacks,” December 8, 2020 - “Four Levels of Physician Well-Being,” December 14, 2020
“The Meaning of Work,” TED Radio Hour, April 20, 2018
Empathy, Courage and Where They Come From Alan Alda’s Clear + Vivid An Interview with Brene’ Brown
Everything Happens with Kate Bowler Interview with Shauna Niequest: “Spread too thin”
Meditation Apps for beginners and beyond. Both have free features to try out for days or weeks before purchasing a subscription (at around $7/month). Both have lots of different features and formats for different meditation styles and mindfulness practices.
Insight Timer
Loaded with freebees. Guided Meditations, Courses, Music, Yoga, Sleep aides.
Physician Wellness Video Library
Please forward suggestions/additions for this list to pwp@tcms.com
Doctors make mistakes. Can we talk about that? with Dr. Brian Goldman
A baseball player who bats .375 is an all star, a surgeon who bats .375…not so much.
Doctor Man - An Elton John Rocket Man Parody by ZDoggMD.
"The Medical Marriage: A National Survey of theSpouses/Partners of US Physicians,” author discusses the study, from Mayo Clinic.
“Brene’ Brown on Joy and Gratitude.” Tangible gratitude practices that lead to a joyous life.
“Dr. Brené Brown on Joy: It's Terrifying.” Interview on SuperSoul Sunday about Gratitude.
10% Happier Dan Harris: How I Went from Skeptic to Meditator
10% Happier. Meditation for Beginners - Featuring Dan Harris and Sharon Salzberg
90:10 The Single Most Important Thing You Can Do For Your Stress, DocMikeEvans.
How to Make Stress Your Friend
Noted health psychologist Kelly McGonigal’s Ted Talk about turning the tables on how your mind and body respond to stress. How you “choose” to interpret day to day stress can literally save your life. How you can turn potentially deadly stress into resources that promote resilience, and even courage.
Physician Burnout - Four Main Causes, Dr. Dike Drummond
Physician Burnout Prevention - Treat Yourself Like a Dog, Dr. Dike Drummond
Knowing Your Why? Michael Jr
A series of short videos introducing concepts in mindfulness from the U. Mass School of Medicine Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society.
Rachel Remen interview on Charlie Rose. Meaning in medicine vs.the business of medicine.