

First Tuesdays 2025
Join the white coat invasion to stand up for medicine. Click here for more information.

Making a difference. Medicine’s voice at the Capitol.
Be the voice of medicine! The strongest weapon in medicine’s arsenal is you—physicians, residents, students and Alliance members. There are many ways TCMS/TMA can impact decisions that affect the medical profession. Get involved today!

Get the latest news—TMA Physician Advocacy web page
Monitor the political climate by checking in with TMA. The Physician Advocacy page on the website is a comprehensive guide to the latest developments on key issues such as Medicare, Surprise Billing and more. Sign up for Action Alerts so you can support or oppose bills when TMA needs legislators to hear from practicing physicians.

Speak up for medicine
Throughout the year, TMA needs physicians to testify at the Capitol to further emphasize medicine’s position on certain legislation. Physician testimony is a powerful tool. Become a part of the pool of willing participants—all specialties needed—by contacting Clayton Stewart


If you practice medicine in Texas, you can’t afford to not be politically engaged. With national health system reform the hot issue in DC, the insurance industry biannually fighting patient-centered reforms, and tort reform perennially attacked by the Austin trial lawyer lobby, Texas physicians need to maintain their political vigilance.

TEXPAC donates to political campaigns—TMA cannot. That is why your TMA/TCMS dues do not automatically make you a member of TEXPAC. Membership includes a newsletter, political activities updates, an election guide and access to all TEXPAC board meetings and more. There are three levels of membership: 300 Club, Capitol Club and Patron Club.